Registering Your Online Business

by Donnareflect on August 9, 2013

Registering your new business online is essential if you are to protect it and stop others from using things like your trademark. Many people have been deterred by the idea of trademark registration, assuming that the process is overly complex and questioning its necessity. However, once you have decided to trade under a specific name, protecting your trademark should be one of your initial priorities. In the US, this process can be completed in around 90 minutes and ensures that you have legal recourse if someone else starts trading under your name. While you may not necessarily need the help of a lawyer for this, opting for Professional services in Hong Kong can prove invaluable. If you decide to take this step, you should visit the website of the US Patent and Trademark Office at for detailed guidance.

Do You Need A Trademark Attorney?

You will need to check that another business is not already operating under your name. You can do this by checking the Trademark Electronic Search System. If someone else is already using your trademark and working in the same or a similar sector to you, you’ll obviously need to look at alternatives, but if they are not, you’re good to go. If you have been trading under a certain name but someone else is using your trademark, you may wish to consult an IP lawyer for advice. If you are trading online, you should avoid incorporating your domain extension into your chosen trademark or you may find someone else registering the very same trademark, simply with a different domain extension – and there won’t be much you can do about it. If you do run into any problems, it can be wise to enlist the services of a qualified trademark attorney to strengthen your case.

Prevent Trademark Infringement

When a business is registered, it becomes a legally-recognised entity. There are many benefits attached to business registration, including the opportunity to pay less tax, transfer ownership easily and quickly, and to in, some cases, establish a credit score that is completely separate from that of the business owner. There are a number of business structures that you’ll be able to choose from, with each of these coming with its own unique set of advantages.

For instance, sole proprietorship means that there is no legal separation between the business and the person that owns it. This option is very popular amongst start-ups that are uncertain on how things are likely to unfold during the process of establishing themselves. Taxes don’t need to be filed by the business – just the individual in question, and companies can always switch to another business type later as things progress and hopefully prosper. Partnerships meanwhile involve businesses that have more than one owner. The partners involved share responsibility for the business and the profits that are generated. Corporations, LLCs and co-operatives are some of the other business types available. For those considering forming an LLC, seeking the best llc service virginia can provide valuable guidance and ensure proper setup.


Baron Warren Redfern provides qualified patent and trademark attorneys to help with registering your trademark and applying for a patent application.

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